Sunday, October 31, 2010

Yountville Days 2010

Every year, on the first weekend of October, we go to Yountville to celebrate Yountville Days. Since this is usually right around my birthday, it's become part of my birthday celebration each year as well. This year was probably one of the best, since Jaclyn was able to participate too!

Here's Jaclyn playing on Grammie's slide waiting for the parade to start.

I can't believe she can climb this ladder ALL BY HERSELF already!

Here she is sliding to Grandpa at the bottom.

With Daddy, waiting for the parade to start.

Here's Uncle Chris' best friend, Steve, and Grammie. He's growing his hair out to donate, just like Daddy did a couple years ago. We think he kind of looks like Kid Rock right now. ;o)

After the parade, we walk down to the park to listen to music, drink some wine, and hang out with all the locals.

Check out Diane, rockin out in the background! We had so much fun together that day!

Steve was trying to get Jaclyn to dance with him, but for some reason, today she wasn't interested in dancing. Usually she'll spin around and around and shake her butt when you ask her to dance. I guess she was feeling a little shy.

Steve also took Jaclyn on her first Pony Ride....

She seemed to enjoy it at first,

but seemed unimpressed after awhile. ;o) I think she's yawning in this picture! At least she didn't get upset or scared!
Here's Mommy and Katrina dancing to the music.

We were able to draw in a crowd!

Grammie with her girls!!!

Here's Jaclyn again with Grandpa and Diane

Jake and Katrina...ADORABLE AS ALWAYS!

Jake and John

Kid Rock Pose!!!

Jaclyn had a lot of fun playing with Steve's hat at the park...

Silly Katrina...

And Silly Mommy!

More fun with Steve's hat. This is Claire and her family. Grammie used to watch Claire at her daycare when she was little. We've known her since she was in preschool. Scary how fast kids grow up! Grandpa and Uncle Chris.

Grammie's best friend Cathy relaxing.

I think this was our sign it would be time to go soon!

More fun with Steve and his hat

Like I said before. Jaclyn really had a fun time with Steve! This was definitely one of the best Yountville Days to date! We can't wait for next year's!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jaclyn looks so grown-up in the 3rd picture from the bottom (the one with her hands between her legs). She is adorable and they do grow-up way too quickly!
