Monday, December 21, 2009

Friends and Family for the Holidays!

My mom bought us season passes to Discovery Kingdom for Christmas this year, and gave them to us early so we could go and check out their "Holiday in the Park" event before Christmas. Jaclyn really enjoyed all of the lights and the sea animals; we can't wait to take her this summer to see the land animals!
Jaclyn had a great time with Grandma! Can't you tell?
Every year, Luke and Casey host a Holiday Sweater Party where everyone tries to find the most festive sweater to show off. I definitely think John's is a winner, don't you?
Mommy and Jaclyn with Casey and Charlee. Here's Dillon with Jaclyn.The small group shot.......and the large group shot. Jaclyn and Charlee are hard to see with us so small, but they're in there too! (Unfortunately, you can't click on this picture to make it bigger since I stole it off of Luke and Casey's blog; Thanks Luke!) AND THE BOYS!
Finally, here are some pictures from Thanksgiving. Jaclyn started crawling the week of our Thanksgiving Break, so we were pretty busy chasing her around and didn't get around to taking any pictures ourselves. Fortunately, Uncle Ken took some when we got together with all of John's family the day before Thanksgiving, so here they are:

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